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Thermistor sensor interfacing with PIC Microcontroller (Temperaturemeter)


In this tutorial we will learn how to make a Temperature Meter use Thermistor sensor. Here I am use PIC16F877A Microcontroller and LM16x2 Lcd display for showing the temperature value. You can watch the video or read the written tutorial below.

Let’s build a basic thermistor circuit to see how it works, so you can apply it to other projects later.
Since the thermistor is a variable resistor, we’ll need to measure the resistance before we can calculate the temperature. However, the Microcontroller can’t measure resistance directly, it can only measure voltage.
The Microcontroller will measure the voltage at a point between the thermistor and a known resistor. This is known as a voltage divider. 

Thermistor voltage driver circuit

  The equation for a voltage divider is

10K NTC Thermistor Datasheet:

Circuit diagram:

circuit shematic for temperature Meter

Click the download button for Hex file

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